Established Electric Bike Sales and Service Business

Price: $500,000

Location: Major Colorado City

Industry: Bike Shops

Listing ID: Established Bike Sales and Service Business

Listing Status: New


Established electric bike sales and service business serves residents and tourists in a major Colorado market. The business has grown steadily since its inception in 2011 and is ideally located near many trails and recreation opportunities. The business operates from a 4,000 square foot facility which is owned by the seller. The seller would lease the facility to a new owner of the business at the existing rent for three years with two three-year options to renew and a 5% annual rent escalation. The building can be offered separately for its appraised value, approximately $800,000.


Down Payment: $500,000

Total Sales: $1,213,000

Cash Flow: $178,000



Accounts Receivable: N/A

Accounts Receivable Included: No


FFE Included: Yes

Inventory: N/A

Inventory Included: No


Year Established: 2011

Days & Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Friday 10am - 5pm, Saturdays from 10am - 4pm.

Owner Hours Per Week: 34, same as the store hours

Non-Owner Payroll: N/A

Employees: 4

Managers: 1

Absentee Owner: No

Security on Lease: No


Real Estate: N/A

Real Estate Included: Yes

Monthly Rent: N/A

Type of Location: Commercial Retail

Square Footage: 4,070

Franchise: No

Relocatable: No


Facilities Information:

Commercial retail building with plenty of parking, located near a wide network of riding trails and other recreational opportunities.

Terms and Conditions?:

$500,000 for the business plus the value of inventory at cost at closing. The real estate can be leased or purchased separately for $800,000.

Reason For Sale:

Nearing retirement.

Training & Support:

3 to 5 months, as needed.

Owner Qualifications:

Basic business management skills including purchasing, sales and inventory management.


There are other bike shops that carry electric bikes, but none that sells electric bikes exclusively.

Potential Growth:

Open additional locations.

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