Buy Side

VR provides buy-side advisory services to prospective business owner/operators, to partnerships, to active and passive investors, and to corporations.

We facilitate and manage transactions locally, regionally, nationally and  internationally.

Mergers and acquisitions have become more complex over time.  VR employs a disciplined approach for changing credit and equity markets and for evolving expectations between buyers and sellers.

When offering buy-side advisory services, VR works to develop and implement an acquisition program that includes:

  • Developing acquisition objectives
  • Analyzing the projected economic and financial gains to be achieved from the acquisition
  • Advising and working with the company’s acquisition team
  • Helping prepare due diligence analysis of prime candidates
  • Negotiating with and valuing of the selected target
  • Developing the structure for the transaction
  • Identifying sources of financing for the transaction
  • Preparing for closing, and performing post-closing tasks and responsibilities
  • Aid in the implementation of the integration plan

With improving corporate confidence, increasing political certainty, and strengthened balance sheets, conditions for increased merger and acquisition activity is upon us. The past few years have seen the stockpiling of cash to guard against economic challenges, and as a result investors today are positioned for undertaking strategic acquisitions. VR offers transactional advisory services to those looking to benefit today and far into the future.

Do you want to learn more?

Schedule a free consultation and we will help you understand our process.